Sunday, April 27, 2008

still sick

im still sick. why? WHYYYY? oh well. im sure i'll get over it eventually. cant wait to hear about youth convention!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


ok, since everyone told me to, i put some pictures up. i stole some from some people (like emma and vada) cuz i dont actually have any pictures of anyone from church (pathetic, huh?). i personally like that one of emma.


Saturday, April 19, 2008


ok so i went to a concert on Friday in Spokane, and it had like the 2 best bands EVER!!!! Project 86 (har rock/scream-o band) and the Classic Crime, who were AWESOME!!!! i got a shirt signed by them, and it was SO COOL! on the way home, we stopped at a gas station in Ritzville, and guess who was there? THE CLASSIC CRIME!!!! it was pretty much THE BEST. oh, and in case you're wondering, the classic crime's sound guy is a fat guy who like orange juice and jalepeno chips. LOL

Saturday, April 12, 2008


that was AWESOME!!! especially when derek fell over. hahahahaha. capture the flag was pretty fun, too. and so was ultimate frisby. and so was "I've Never." it was a pretty good party! happy b-day Derek!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Blood Stains

i have all this redish-brown colored paint on me, and it looks like dried blood lol. me and emma had a sort of "fight" with the paint. emma dropped a whole canister of paint on herself. it was hilarious! oh and me and colton got beat up by a 4 year old with a bat. it was pretty exciting. i love MT DEW. i just tought id say that. i can hear now. HAPPY DAY. see every1 @ church


well, for our work today, we get to paint! we're gonna paint an old swing set i think. its gonna be me, bryan sumner, and i think emma and vada. its gonna be awesome! i love being older than people :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


i hate allergies!!! i was working today, raking leaves, and all the stupid dust made it so i couldnt breathe! it was so dumb. i also found (or maybe cut off) a ducks head at one of the houses. (IT WAS PLASTIC!!) so tody was good and bad at the same time. yay. oh, and by the way, emma? i DO HAVE SKILLZZZ.

Monday, April 7, 2008


well we get to go work today! im so excited to spend my week off working! lol

Saturday, April 5, 2008


all of my AMAZING photoshop skillz, ALL IN ONE PLACE!!

hey guys im feelin a lot better so ill probly be at church tomorrow, but not so sure about the whole singing thing, but ill try =)

ive had pretty much the 2 most boring days ever, sitting on the couch and coughing while watching random movies like Bridge to Terabithia, The Game Plan, and the first 3 Star Wars. SO BORING. well ill see everyone on sunday!

Friday, April 4, 2008

new stuphssss

i figured out the playlist thing, and added a GUITAR HERO playlist with al of THE BEST guitar hero songs, because guitar hero is the bessssssst. i also added a video of a group of people touching an electric fence, just for some good memories! oh, and here is some more PHOTOSHOP BOREDNESSSSSSS!!!! (p.s.-the cat ones are just randomness....not made with photoshop LOL)

AH HA!!!

ok, i think im getting the hang of all this "BLOGGING" stuff...i still dont get a lot of it, but im getting the hang of it. i figured out the playlist thing! so derek, u can ignore that last comment i left you. my throat is feelin a bit better, so ill probly make it on sunday. HAPPY SPRING BREAK EVERYONE!!! im gonna keep typing about nothing. nothing at all. look! PHOTOPSHOP BOREDNESS!!!!!

yup, i made all those with my AWESOME photoshop skillzzzzz. who's the computer nerd now, EMMA!?



hey guys....i might not be there on sunday....i got a killer sore throat...
i'll try and make it....i really dont wanna miss playing sunday night....but im not so sure at this point. oh, and emma? if i am there, i definitely wont be able to sing.....i can barely talk.
